An overview of using Twitch with Aitum
Aitum integrates with Twitch without any additional setup. This is because you login to Aitum with your Twitch account, so we can enable triggers and actions from Twitch straight away. Our Twitch integration allows you to manage channel points, use triggers such as when a new person follows or subscribes to your stream, and use actions such as sending a chat message, setting slow mode, and more.
Channel Point Redemptions
You must be a Twitch affiliate or partner to have access to channel point redemptions. You can read more about this on Twitch’s website.
Aitum can manage your Twitch channel point redemptions directly. This allows you to use them as part of triggers in rules. Due to limitations in the Twitch API, Aitum cannot see your existing channel point redemptions, so therefore all redemptions you’d like to use in rules should be created through the Aitum app.
If you have access to channel points on Twitch, you will be able to access the Twitch tab on the Aitum app. The Twitch page in Aitum allows you to create new channel point redemptions and manage existing ones that you have created through Aitum. You can set names, colours, cost, and cooldowns through the app.
Channel Point Redemption Triggers
Channel Point Redemption Actions
- Disable Redemption
- Enable Redemption
- Pause/Resume Redemption
- Change Redemption Price
- Change Redemption Description
Channel Point Redemption Groups
Along with being able to create individual channel point redemptions, you can create redemption groups on the Twitch tab in Aitum. By dragging and dropping redemptions into groups, you can enable easier control over those redemptions via:
Channel Point Redemption Group Actions
Pause/Resume Redemptions and Redemption Groups
Aitum can also pause and resume individual redemptions or redemption groups. This can be done manually from the Twitch tab in Aitum.
Aitum can also pause/resume redemptions and redemption groups with the following actions:
Hype Trains
- Create Stream Marker
- Raid Channel
- Unraid Channel
- Create Clip
- Set Stream Title
- Set Stream Category
- Set Stream Tags
- Shoutout Channel
Channel Point Redemptions
- Disable Redemption
- Enable Redemption
- Change Redemption Price
- Change Redemption Description
- Pause/Resume Redemption
Channel Point Redemption Groups
Moderation / Chat
- Ban User
- Unban User
- Emote Only Chat
- Follower Only Mode
- VIP User
- Monitor User
- Restrict User
- Slow Mode On
- Slow Mode Off
- Subscriber Only Mode
- Timeout User
- Untimeout User
- Clear Chat
- Mod User
- Unique Chat Mode
- Send Chat Message As Broadcaster
- Shield Mode